(831) 751-1789
47 years of teaching experience
Curtis Sells was born in 1959 in Salinas California, the oldest of seven. In 1970, Curtis joined the Salinas valley track club. He also became a member of the AAU, a national organization of youth sports. Leading up to the Olympics in 1970, at the age of 11 years old. He became a state and national champion, breaking the national record for the triple jump and getting an article in the local newspaper along with his picture. In the years that followed, he broke many records, winning numerous awards. In 1975, as a freshman in high school, he was on the varsity track team. He went on to break the national record for the high jump. The same year his parents, Curtis Sells Sr. and Benzell Sells enrolled him in the school of the world-famous undefeated professional karate champion Grand Master Byong Yu. There, he was trained in the art of Moo Duk Kwan, Tae Kwon Do, and Tang Soo Do. These are all military self-defense styles. At his first testing, he was not only awarded his first belt and certificate but also the most outstanding award by Grand Master Byong Yu. In 1980 Curtis qualified for the Olympic trials for the 400-meter hurdles but because of an injury, he was unable to compete, therefore giving up many potential scholarship offers. He then focused his attention on fulfilling his lifelong dream of getting his black belt. In 1981 he entered his first karate tournament the West Coast National Championships breaking the record for the highest jump kick hitting a mark of 9 feet 10 1/2 inches winning his first trophy for karate. He competed in Northern and Central California becoming the Monterey Bay middleweight fighting champion in 1984 for red belt and brown belt level. The same year he received his second most outstanding award from Master Byong Yu. In 1985 he earned his black belt and became a heavy-weight fighter. Winning many competitions and his third most outstanding award from Master Yu Mr. Sells was offered a role in a movie with Master Yu and John Matuszak (football star turned actor). Just before filming started John Matuszak, unfortunately, died of a drug overdose. The same year Mr. Sells became an instructor at the Byong Yu school in Salinas California he has also taught in Monterey, Carmel Valley, and Greenfield California over the decades. He opened up Curtis Sells Martial Arts to bring value to the local community he grew up in. Mr. Sells now has over 47 years of teaching experience. He has produced hundreds of high-quality students some becoming state, national, and international champions. Mr. Sells trains all his students to be champions in life not just in sports.
"Success means doing something sincerely and whole-heartedly"
Bruce Lee